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Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky / Q&A with Associate Ed Lee

Ed’s litigation practice focuses on complex commercial and securities matters, as well as internal and government investigations.

Before joining Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky, Ed began his career at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. He received his J.D. from University of Pennsylvania Law School, where he was an Associate Editor of the University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law. He received his B.S. magna cum laude from Georgetown University.

Below, Ed talks about his career before law school, why you want him on your legal team and in a Surviorman situation, as well as his favorite home cooked Korean foods.

What was your first job? I had various odd jobs throughout high school—cleaning up parks with the NYC Parks Department, clerical work at an after-school tutoring program, some custodial work, and a few others. But, my most memorable pre-lawyer job was my stint as a barista at my college library. It was surprisingly fast-paced, especially during finals season, but my free shift drink got me through many late nights.

Can you speak more than one language? Yes, I speak Korean. I still need subtitles for TV shows and the like but I can get around. My food vocabulary is especially good. I also did a few semesters of Arabic in college, including one semester in Jordan, but it’s only good for a little bit of small talk with the folks at the halal cart near my apartment.

What has been the most rewarding part of your career to date? The hearings and trials I’ve been able to attend in my relatively short stint at DPK so far. There are certainly a lot of late nights and early mornings that come with it, but there is nothing more satisfying than seeing your hard work contribute to the team’s success in a live environment.

What made you want to be a lawyer? I actually had no interest in a legal career until late in college. I thought I wanted to join the Foreign Service but, after a semester abroad, I realized I didn’t want to be too far from friends and family. As I debated different career paths in the summer before my senior year at Georgetown, I realized that a legal career would allow me to apply the reading, writing, and analytical skills I developed in anticipation for a career in government. I also liked that it would provide an outlet for the stubbornness and argumentativeness that my family has complained about my whole life. So, it seemed perfect.

What’s the best book you’ve read recently? With credit to partner Dave Pegno for the recommendation, Shogun by James Clavell. But my favorite book is probably The Razor’s Edge by W. Somerset Maugham.

What’s your favorite food? Very difficult to pick one dish, but I would have to say some home cooked Korean food, especially the stews. I will shamelessly admit that my mom comes into the city from Astoria every couple of weeks to drop off my favorites—spicy tofu stew and kimchi stew.

What’s your favorite tv show? The Sopranos. I think I’ve gone through the series at least 3 or 4 times now.

Are you a coffee or tea person? I haven’t been able to kick my coffee addiction since my stint as a barista. But, I do enjoy a nice green tea.

What’s your favorite season? Autumn, for sure. Not too hot, not too cold, and none of the springtime allergies.

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island? A knife, a piece of flint, and fishing line. I’ve seen enough Survivorman to make it work, I think.


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